Celebrating 95 Years of the Branch
1929 to present day
A yoga class uses Miltonduff hall before us on a Tuesday. In order to allow time for them all to leave our arrival time has changed and is now 7.30pm.
Our classes will be Tuesdays 7.45-9.45pm
Summer Socials 2025 - HERE
Social dances on a Tuesday will be 8-10.30pm
7th June Summer Social Susie Simpson duo
22nd July Summer Social Ian Thomson duo
19th August Summer Social Susie Simpson duo
Dance Diary - HERE
15th April Charity Dance in aid of CLAN CANCER CARE Susie Simpson duo
The dance on Saturday 17th May remains at 7.30-11pm David Oswald SCD Band
About Our Class
Scottish Country Dancing is a great way to cheer yourself up. You quickly forget all your worries when you start to dance.
Fully qualified RSCDS teachers Bill and Rosemary will show you the basics in a fun way.
Fitness and Fun, make new friends, that's what it's all about
We have a refreshment break at half time.
Please bring your own cup, it helps reduce the washing up.
We meet every Tuesday in the Village hall Miltonduff
7.30 - 9.30pm and the cost is £4 per class
Our dancing season runs from September to May.