Asutatud 1929. A
Filiaali 90. aastapäeva tähistamine
1929 kuni tänapäevani
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Link to Banffshire Branch Events DANCE DIARY 2024/2025 DECEMBER 2024 RSCDS Aberdeen Branch Christmas dance Ashdale Hall, WESTHILL Friday 13 December 2024 8 PM Dancing to Neil Galloway CRIB CAN BE FOUND HERE Link to video dances can be found here RSCDS Forres Branch dance FORRES TOWN HALL Friday 27th December 2024 7.30pm to 11 pm £12.00 Dancing to Frank Thomson and his Scottish Country Dance Band Crib found here MARCH 2025 Miltonduff Xmas Party, 17th December, 7.30-10pm, CDs, Free Entry, Light Supper, bring a cup. (prog tba) Miltonduff SCD website can be found here JANUARY 2025 No dances notified FEBRUARY 2025 Forres RSCDS Nairn Community and Arts Centre 7th February 2025 Fundraising Dance for Nairn Community and Arts Centre £12 Light Supper, Raffle Please bring your own cup Susie Simpson Duo 7.30-10.30pm CRIB can be found here SCDDB link Buckie Rally Friday 7th March 2025 8 pm to midnight Fishermen's Hall Buckie Dancing to Colin Donaldson More details to follow RSCDS PETERHEAD BRANCH ANNUAL DANCE Longside Church Hall Sunday 16th March 2025 2pm to 4.30 pm £10 Dancer Spectators welcome at £3.00 Dancing to Scott Band Tea & Raffle CRIB (tree friendly) CRIB (eye friendly ) Programme Videos of the dances found her e Please bring your own cup In times of adverse weather, please check with organiser regarding the event going ahead Contacts found here SAVE THE DATE Details can be found here 15 JUNE 2025 IN THE VICTORIA HALL ELLON 2pm to 4.30 pm £10 dancer (please bring your own cup) £5 for spectators All WELCOME Scottish Country dancing to music by SCOTT BAND JUNE 2025 RSCDS Forres events dance information found here RSCDs Inverness events - dance information found here Miltonduf f SCD events - danc e information found here RSCDS Aberdeen branch dance diary SCD Events Scotland - found here
- Scottish/ Country/ dancing | Rscds Banffshire Branch
The History of RSCDS Banffshire Branch 1929 to present day Esmaspäeval, 9. septembril 1929 Buckie's toimunud avalikul koosolekul moodustati algselt Buckie and District Scottish Country Dance Society, kuid esimesel aastakoosolekul muudeti pealkiri Banffshire'i filiaaliks. Need algklassid Buckies levisid peagi, kui meie esimene tantsuõpetaja hr John Duncan koos preili Nen Watsoni ja proua Jean Mairiga andis tunde Forglenis, Marnochis ja Cornhillis. Traditsioon on kestnud juba üle 90 aasta. Ootame uusi liikmeid igas vanuses ja võimetega Šoti Kuningliku Kantritantsu Seltsi Banffshire'i filiaali 90. aastapäeva tähistamine - CD ja tantsuraamat - Külastage meie 90. aastapäeva veebisaiti
Balmoral Visit Our most exciting event was in 2009 when the members of the branch travelled to Balmoral to dance for the Queen and Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie. We were greatly honoured when Her Majesty the Queen kindly invited us to dance for her to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the formation of our Branch. We decided to perform some dances from our 75th Anniversary Book because these dances are all devised by Banffshire Branch members and/or are inspired by a Banffshire connection. The event needed live music and Colin Dewar and his Band (who recorded our 75th Anniversary CD) were happy and able to fit us (and Her Majesty) into their crowded schedule. On Tuesday, 11th August at midday about 40 Branch members and 16 children from local schools crowded onto the coach in Keith. On arriving at Balmoral we all had our photo ID's checked (passports, driving licences, bus passes, etc.) before proceeding to the tea room where we were to perform. We received a friendly greeting from Clare Russell, the Lord Lieutenant of Banffshire. The area for dancing was slightly less than we expected, so we decided to abandon the children's static display during 'We've nae Electric'. We got ready and put on our dancing shoes while the Band finished setting up and we had a quick practice of walking on and off (always more difficult than the actual dancing!) while the Band were changing out of 'just do it' tee-shirts into something slightly more suitable for the occasion. The Dancers and the Band then had a practice. After the practice, with just a few minutes to go we all stood, puffing and hearts beating, in our sets ready for Findlater Castle, waiting for Her Majesty. When she arrived (with Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie), our Chairman, Gary Coull, gave a short introductory speech and the music and dancing started. Our programme: Findlater Castle Compliments to Jessie Bain The Homecoming Dance - children The Hills of Alba Gourdieburn Round Reel of Eight - children We've nae Electric The dancing and the music all went well, with nothing worse than the occasional hesitation or poorly-pointed foot (hopefully, She didn't notice!) Her Majesty and the two Princesses appeared to be very happy with our performance. Toe-tapping was observed! Mrs. Jean Mair devisor of 'Compliments to Jessie Bain' presented Her Majesty with Banffshire Branch CDs and dance books. The Royal party then spent a considerable time walking amongst us, talking with us and asking questions. Her Majesty even asked what the floor was like to dance on. (It was hard but not slippery.) We were treated to tea and biscuits and had plenty of time to chatter before piling back onto the coach to return to Keith. It was a highly successful event and, after having danced for the Queen, we are left wondering - what can we do next? .
- Fraserburgh | RSCDS BANFFSHIRE
Šoti kantri tantsuklass, Fraserburgh Fraserburghi šoti kantritantsu klass on sotsiaalne klass, kus peamised koostisosad on silmad, naeratused ja kuulavad kõrvad. Õpetaja on dr Anne McArthur, Šoti kantritantsu veteran, kes omandas õpetaja kvalifikatsiooni 1972. aastal. On vähe, mis poleks 50-aastase õpetamisaasta jooksul tema teed ületanud. Kõik on teretulnud Võtke ühendust meili teel Võtke Annega ühendust meili teel, klõpsake siin Võtke Annega ühendust telefoni teel, klõpsake siin Friday afternoon Dance Class Fraserburgh Scottish Country Dance class Dalrymple Hall, Fraserburgh New term: 2pm to 3.30 pm Teacher Dr Anne McArthur. 2024 dates Friday 27th September 2024 to Friday 13th December 2024 2025 Session Friday 10th January 2025 to 28th March 2025 All Welcome Dalrymple Hall, Fraserburgh – klõpsake siin
- Summer 2023 News | RSCDS BANFFSHIRE
Juuliuudised – 2023. aasta St Andrewsi suvekool Wendy West Banffshire'i filiaali liige koos RSCDSi esimees William Williamson ja tema naine Linda Banffshire'i filiaali liikmed Gordon ja Liz Bulloch Sel aastal tähistas St Andrewsi ülikoolis toimunud RSCDS-i suvekool suvekooli 90. aastapäeva. Wendy West, RSCDS Banffshire'i filiaali liige ja suvekooli noorim osaleja (Douglas MacIntosh) valiti 90. aastapäeva kooki lõikama 4. nädala lõpus. Douglas osales suvekoolis teist korda ja oli 13-aastane. aastat, oli 4. nädalal noorim inimene. Wendy West, kuigi mitte kõige vanem inimene on suvekoolis käinud alates 10. eluaastast. Wendy oli emaga suvekoolis kaasas, kuid tal ei lubatud tantsida – üks pidi siis olema 18-aastane. Ta ei tohtinud isegi oma ema juurde jääda, sest pidi minema pardale mujale linnas. 18-aastaselt, kui tal oli õigus suvekooli minna, oli ta tennisemänguga liiga hõivatud! Siin on mõned 90. aastapäeva pärastlõunatee ajal tehtud pidulikud fotod. Direktor Jim Stott ja Sue Porter valmistasid 90. aastapäeva tordi. Ülikool pakkus pärastlõunateed. Kõigil oli tore pärastlõuna. Kõik ilmusid oma "rõõmsa kaltsuga" seda erilist sündmust nautima. Chair, William Williamson and Linda Williamson Describe your image 90th Anniversary cake Describe your image Gordon , Liz Bulloch, William & Linda and Wendy West Describe your image Chair, William Williamson and Linda Williamson Describe your image 1/5
Scottish Country dance class, Dufftown Contact Kate by phone click here Mortlach Memorial Hall - directions click here DUFFTOWN SCD CLUB Kate Strathdee, RSCDS Teacher TUESDAY evening class Dufftown class Mortlach Memorial Hall, Dufftown 2024 Classes will resume in September 2024 Tuesday 17th September 2024 to Tuesday 10th December 2024 2025 Tuesday January 7th 2025 to Tuesday 1 April 2025 Contact Kate for further information Follow us of Social media click the link to Facebook below Phone
- RSCDS Banffshire Publications | RSCDS BANFFSHIRE
RSCDS BANFFSHIRE PUBLICATIONS 90th Anniversary Dance book and CD - click here Children's resources - click here 75th Anniversary Dance book and CD click here
- Branch News
RSCDS Banffshire Branch at the Scottish Traditional Boat Festival, Portsoy, Saturday 18th June 2022 A fun day was had at the Portsoy Boat Festival when members and friends of the RSCDS Banffshire Branch got together to promote Scottish Country Dancing. Enthusiastic members of the audience joined in the dancing and enjoyed themselves. Promotional leaflets for Banffshire SCD classes were given out to the audience and we had lots of positive feedback. Please contact the Secretary at if you want further information about classes in and around Banffshire. Linda Thomas, RSCDS Banffshire Branch member called the dances and kept everyone on their toes. Thanks to Linda for organising this event. Audience participation in dancing Pudsey Bear, Scottish Country Dance Click here for you tube video Celebrating Her Majesty the Queen's Platinum Jubilee The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – Invitation to Service of Thanksgiving The RSCDS Banffshire Branch received an invite to attend a special service of Thanksgiving from the Buchan Presbytery to mark this significant occasion. A special service was held on Sunday 29th May in St Ninian’s and Forglen Church, Turriff. Over the seventy years of her reign, HM The Queen has actively supported many charities and professional groups. These cover all areas of national life. Alice Archibald and Linda Thomas, members of the RSCDS Banffshire Branch, represented the branch at the Service of Thanksgiving. Alice Archibald read out the following message at the service. The message was selected by Her Majesty the Queen In 2011, the Queen said: “Although we are capable of great acts of kindness, history teaches us that we sometimes need saving from ourselves - from our recklessness or our greed. God sent into the world a unique person - neither a philosopher nor a general (important though they are) - but a Saviour, with the power to forgive. Forgiveness lies at the heart of the Christian faith. It can heal broken families, it can restore friendships and it can reconcile divided communities. It is in forgiveness that we feel the power of God’s love.” Annual Branch Dance - Friday 12th November 2021 The Banffshire Branch Dance on 12th November was held at Keith this year, and despite the restrictions imposed by covid (limited numbers, lots of hand gelling, bring-your-own refreshments), it was a super evening. We had fantastic music to dance to thanks to Ewan Galloway and fellow musicians Shona MacFadyen on fiddle & Graham Sherrit on drums; we have enjoyed their music on pod-casts throughout lockdown, and listening to their CD ‘A the best again far Banffshire’, but wasn’t it just great to be dancing ‘live’ again. A lot of work went on behind the scenes to ensure a safe and enjoyable evening was had by all - risk assessments, devising a lovely programme of dances, the callers, organisers & donations of raffle prizes, catering for the band - a big thank you to everyone involved. Looking forward to meeting up again on the dance floor soon Happy dancing Dianna Report by Dianna Baillie, Chair of RSCDS Banffshire 2021 Ewan Galloway dance band November 2021 Ewan Galloway Scottish Dance band Annual Branch dance 12th November 2021 Annual Branch Dance 2021 Annual Branch Dance 2021 More dancing to wonderful music Ewan Galloway dance band November 2021 Ewan Galloway Scottish Dance band 1/11 Ladies of Banffshire at the Autumn Gathering 2021 I’m a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy. Given that the Bells Sports Centre in Perth has capacity for over 500 dancers, the task of decorating it for the Autumn Gathering weekend is not to be undertaken lightly. However, members of Banffshire Branch have customarily performed this duty, arriving early in order to create an ambiance appropriate for the occasion, using countless yards of RSCDS tartan supplied by Headquarters. As with dancing, success is a result of teamwork and many hands working together! When thanks are extended to volunteer helpers for their efforts, "the ladies of Banffshire" always receive a mention, the presence of one or two Banffshire men invariably being overlooked, hence the title of Bob Taylor's dance. This photo shows the ladies of Banffshire looking resplendent in advance of the Saturday night ball at the 2021 Autumn Gathering. Report by Alison Smith RSCDS Teacher and member of RSCDS Banffshire The Banffshrire Branch had their first outdoor 'Return to Dancing' event at the Sail Loft, Portsoy on a lovely sunny Sunday afternoon on July 25th. The event was welcomed by all the dancers. The committee therefore, planned another outdoor event on 22 August 2021. Again the weather held for us Happy Dancers! Happy to chat to fellow dancers. Enjoying the sunshine Happy to be dancing once again! Gordon & Liz, Dianna & Alistair Ive got my hand gel at the ready! Gordon & Liz with visitor Jim Stott Return to dancing Sunday 25 July 2021 RSCDS Banffshire - Return to dancing, outdoor event. Chairperson and Secretary Our chair person, Dianna Baillie and Liz Bulloch ready to kick start the event. Beautiful sunshine Lots of happy dancers on the green at the Sail Loft Portsoy Return to dancing Sunday 25 July 2021 RSCDS Banffshire - Return to dancing, outdoor event. 1/12 The Sail Loft, Portsoy Sunday 25th July 2021 Banffshire Branch organised an outdoor return to dancing event on the 25th of July. It took place outside the Sail Loft, Portsoy, on a beautiful sunny day. We had a fantastic afternoon of dance, starting off with a warm up session led by Anne Taylor, 3 sets of dancers then followed a super programme led by Anne McArthur and Alison Smith, easing us gently back into dancing again with a mix of familiar & old favourites (including EH37AF, Maxwell’s Rant & Mairi’s Wedding) and some newer dances (Portsoy Links and The Speyside Way from our 90th anniversaries book "A’ The Best Again Fae Banffshire"). Our Secretary and Covid Officer Liz Bulloch, ensured safety guidelines were in place and being followed. It was just wonderful to be able to meet up and dance together again. As can be seen from the photos, we couldn’t have been happier and can’t wait for the next one. Article in the Scottish Dance Magazine, October 2021 issue by Chair, Dianna Baillie Liz Bulloch and Frank Thomson at The Sail Loft Portsoy Outdoor event at the Sail Loft Portsoy on Sunday 22 August 2021. The music was provided by Frank Thomson. Beautiful view from the Sail Loft, Portsoy The dancing event was held at the Sail Loft, Portsoy. A beautiful sunny day with the seascape as our backdrop More happy dancers Everyone enjoyed the day and the lovely music. Liz Bulloch and Frank Thomson at The Sail Loft Portsoy Outdoor event at the Sail Loft Portsoy on Sunday 22 August 2021. The music was provided by Frank Thomson. 1/8 Geof Nuttall with his daughters Claire and Celia at the ceremony along with Lord Lieutenant of Banffshire Andrew Simpson, Alistair Mason and Julian Watson from the Museum of Banff. Banff Museum Exhibition - display of RSCDS Banffshre archives The Branch was contacted by Alistair Mason earlier this year to advise that the family of Jean Nuttall (born and brought up in Banff) wanted to donate money to the Museum after having been shown around the museum last year by Alistair. Alistair is also a member of the Preservation and Heritage Society. Jean was a keen Scottish Country Dancer and loved everything Scottish. Anne McArthur and Alistair pulled together the exhibition using the Banffshire archives and display boards. Cabinets were purchased with the donation and a wonderful display has been put together. The opening of the display was held on Wednesday 18th. Anne McArthur along with Alistair and Pat Lemmon (family friend) the Chair of our Branch, Dianna Baillie and myself were all sent an invite to the opening. The cabinet has several drawers full of archives from photographs to newspaper articles and programmes and menus from past social functions. The Banffshire Journal has an article on the opening where you can find the full story. Alistair is a volunteer at the Museum. If you are planning a visit it would be an idea to check if Alistair is on duty. Alistair will send me his rota in due course and I will pass it on to members. Liz 17th July Summer Social at The Sail Loft, Portsoy Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site. Explore
- Dance classes
DANCING CLASSES 2022 - 2023 All classes are held weekly In adverse weather conditions, please check with contact person for the class you attend MONDAY CLASSES BUCKIE dance class information can be found here MACDUFF dance class information can be found here TUESDAY CLASSES DUFFTOWN dance class information can be found here MILTONDUFF dance class information can be found here MOSSTODLOCH dance class information found here TURRIFF dance class information can be found here WEDNESDAY CLASSES FOCHABERS dance class information can be found here HUNTLY dance class information can be found here MULBEN dance class information can be found here THURSDAY CLASSES FORGLEN, TURRIFF dance Class information found here KEITH dance class information can be found here SPEY BAY dance class information can be found here FRIDAY (afternoon class) FRASERBURGH dance class information can be found here
- Autumn/Winter News 2024 | RSCDS BANFFSHIRE
Autumn/Winter news 2024 Classes with a Difference Come and join us Interested find out more details click here Branch Dance 8th November 2024 Celebrating 95th Anniversary Established 1929 to present day The Branch dance was held in the Fisherman's Hall, Buckie on Friday 8th November dancing to Colin Dewar's Scottish Country Dance band. There were 8 sets on the floor with a number of spectators enjoing the music and the dancing. Gary Coull, Chair of the RSCDS and a member of the Banffshire Brnch cut the anniversary cake along with the Chair of the Branch, Alice Archibald. A thank message from Alice Archibald: I just wanted to say thank you to all those who contributed in any way to the very successful night of dancing at Buckie last night. I have not yet heard about the finances, but as far as enjoyment, friendship and energy goes it was a wonderful night. Mavis, thanks to you and your helpers everyone was welcomed with a smile, Anne, the cake was very good and sliced up well. The music was so very clear and crisp and all the callers were very clear and crisp too!! Isobel, the programme was very much up to your usual standard and really enjoyed by all. Linda, the catering was very good and everyone said how much they enjoyed being back to “normal “ dancing conditions. Gary, it was so good to have you there in your official capacity and the Branch feels honoured to have the “Chair” as a member. Thank you all again Alice Archibald Chair of RSCDS Banffshire Branch A link to the videos from the 8th November dance clic k here Photos here 'Being there' Our first of the Branch's Classes with a Difference was held in the Institute Hall Portsoy on Sunday 29th September 2024 Anne McArthur took the class on a trip around the world. The first dance was in memory of Malcolm Brown, 'Links with St Petersburg'. He made many teaching trips to Russia and died recently. It was over Europe and Asia to dance Jim Stott's 'A Trip to Japan' to celebrate a recent dancing school in Kamakura just south of Tokyo. 'A Flight to Melbourn' followed to the cultural city of Australia. Next stop was South Africa to dance 'A Trip to the Drakensbergs' the mountain range that lies on the east coast of SA. A 15 hour flight from Jo'burg took the dancers to Buenos Aires to dance 'Aberdeenshire meets Argentina' while thinking of our Branch's links with our Argentinian friends. It was right up the east coast of the Americas to Boston to go to Pinewoods to dance the 'Pinewoods Reel' from the Centenary Book then it was home to dance 'Anne of Portsoy'. 27th OCTOBER 2024 RSCDS Teacher Kate Strathdee The theme for the class was dance names synonymous with Robert Burns, who in around 1779 as a young man began attending country dancing lessons in Tarbolton. He writes: "In my seventeenth year, to give my manners a brush, I went to a country dancing school. My programme came about while researching the dance Linkumdoddie, devised by John Drewry this was the second dance on my programme.The title of this dance comes from the thatched cottage known as Linkumdoddie referred to in the Willie Wastle – Poem written by Robert Burns in 1792. The other dances on my programme were : TWA SPARKLING EEN (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Iain Boyd The title of this dance, Twa Sparkling Een, comes from The Lass Of Cessnock Banks - Song written by Robert Burns in 1780. CAULD KAIL (M-8x(S16+R16)) 3C (4C set) RSCDS Book 9 Strathspey On a tour of the Highlands around 1787 and arriving in the city of Bon Accord Robbie Burns wrote Cauld Kail In Aberdeen - Song MY SPOUSE NANCY (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Jim Taylor RSCDS Leaflet Dances 22 A song written by Robert Burns in 1792 MY WIFE'S A WINSOME WEE THING (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Tony Moretti Pinewoods Collection 2 A song written by Robert Burns in 1792 THE LEA RIG (S8x32) 2C (4C set) RSCDS Book 21 Robert Burns writes “To Meet thee on the Lea-rig, My ain Kind Dearie” THE DUSTY MILLER (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Border Book Another song written by Robert Burns in 1788.
- 90th Anniversary Cd & Dance Book | Rscds Banffshire Branch
90th Anniversary dance book and CD Contents of book can be found here How to purchase a CD for £10 plus free book To order By post Send a cheque made payable to RSCDS Banffshire for the appropriate amount to Dr Anne McArthur, 24 Aird Street, Portsoy, Aberdeenshire, AB45 2RB Scotland To pay by BACS Sort code: 80 06 66 Account Number 00471060 For postage add the following costs: UK £2.00 EU £4.50 World £6.00
Scottish Country Dance class Buckie Contact Isobel by phone click here Scottish Country Dance Class, Buckie Arradoul SWI Hall, Buckie Isobel Turner, RSCDS Teacher The class is a social dance class for all mixed abilities, all ages. Everyone is welcome Scottish Country Dancing Fun Fitness and Friendship! Monday evening dance class Arradoul SWR Hall Buckie 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm New session 2024 16th September 2024 to 2nd December 2024 6th January 2025 to 31 March 2025 Contact Isobel by email click here